Dosbarth Elm
Dosbarth Elm
Welcome to Dosbarth Elm!
Hi, we are Mrs Green and Mrs Rowlands and we are really pleased to be your child’s teacher this year. We are a blwyddyn 3 and 4 class. We are very lucky to have Miss James supporting all the blwyddyn 3 and 4 children every morning and Mrs Scarsbrook supporting blwyddyn 3 and 4 on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
Monday: Mrs Green (all day)
Tuesday: Mrs Green (am), Mrs Newell (pm)
Wednesday: Mrs Green
Thursday: Mrs Rowlands
Friday: Mrs Rowlands (Every other week Mrs Anderson will teach you in the pm).
Our Topics
Our main focus is always the children’s Health and Wellbeing, learning through encouragement, challenge and fun. Our topic this term is ‘Journeys.’ and we will learn many new and exciting things. We will be focusing on modes of transport. We will be led by the children and their interests through this topic. We will look at our local area and compare and contrast with many other places around the world. All our teaching will be based on the 4 purposes and the new curriculum.
5 Ways to Wellbeing – includes Be Active, Keep Learning, Give, Connect and Take Notice.
In Welsh, we will re-visit the language patterns we learnt last year and extend our knowledge of language. We will continue to develop our confidence when speaking and listening to Welsh through daily Helpwr Heddiw.
In Literacy we will be developing our skills in writing different types of sentences. We will be exploring non-chronological reports, fables and plays.
In Maths learning will include, place value, addition and subtraction, number lines and problem solving.
Physical Development
PE sessions are on Tuesday and Friday. Children will need to come to school wearing a white t-shirt, black/navy shorts or joggers, a jacket and trainers. Please ensure that all clothing has your child’s name on it.
Reading is a gift for life. Please encourage your child to develop a love of reading through sharing and talking about books, comics and magazines that interest them. Please listen to your child read as often as possible.
Reading Challenge
Collect up to 7 signatures a week to support your team in winning the end of term prize.
Our school is part of the Healthy Schools Initiative. Please support our school and ensure that your child has a healthy snack every day for morning break e.g. fruit or veg. Also please provide a named bottle of water.
Please ensure that all clothing has your child’s name on it.
We are looking forward to getting to know and building positive relationships with yourself and your child this year, if you should have any questions please feel free to come and speak to us or send a message via Seesaw - Our door is always open.
Thank you for your continued support, I cannot wait for all the amazing learning opportunities this year will bring.
Mrs Green and Mrs Rowlands