Dosbarth Juniper
Welcome to Dosbarth Juniper.
Miss Williams teaches Monday and Tuesday morning. Mrs Edwards teaches Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. We are supported by Mrs Hoskisson-Craven (Mrs HC) and Mrs Cartwright. Our main focus is always the children’s Health and Wellbeing, learning through encouragement, challenge, and fun. All our teaching will be based on the 4 purposes and the new curriculum.
Our Topics
This term our topic is ‘Marvellous Minds’ and we will learn many new and exciting things. We will be focusing on ‘My Marvellous Mind’ and ‘The Five Ways to Wellbeing’.
5 Ways to Wellbeing includes Be Active, Keep Learning, Give, Connect and Take Notice.
In Welsh, we will continue to work on the language patterns for the weather, numbers, asking for items, expressing likes and dislikes and prepositions. We will be looking at extending and expanding your children’s current language patterns.
In Literacy, we will be looking at writing the sounds we hear in words, spelling patterns, sentence structure and grammar, we will be writing imaginative stories and non-fiction pieces. This term we are looking at the story ‘Eliot the Midnight Superhero' children will create their own superhero and think of new and exciting adventures for them to go on.
In Maths we will be focusing on place value (understanding number) addition and subtraction, shape and capacity.
Physical Development
PE sessions are on Monday and Thursday. Children will need to come to school wearing a white t-shirt, black/navy shorts or joggers, a jacket and trainers. Please ensure that all clothing has your child’s name on it.
Reading is a gift for life. Please encourage your child to develop a love of reading through sharing and talking about books, comics and magazines that interest them. A new book will come home every Friday in a named wallet and to be returned on a Thursday. Please listen to your child read as often as possible.
Our school is part of the Healthy Schools Initiative. Please support our school and ensure that your child has a healthy snack every day for morning break e.g. fruit or veg. Also please provide a named bottle of water, free milk is available for all children.
Please ensure that all clothing has your child’s name on it.
We are looking forward to getting to know and building positive relationships with yourself and your child this year, if you should have any questions please feel free to come and speak to us or send a message via Seesaw - Our door is always open.
Thank you for your continued support, we are excited to join your child on their learning journey.
Mrs Edwards and Miss Williams